Post by ALCATRAZ on Mar 22, 2014 5:42:56 GMT -8
Hey, so I recently downloaded the LoL game and I've finished the tuotrial and have done a couple of practice games but not really done any realmatches.I'm a little nervous to do so because well the last MMORPG i played, I played my first match and i thought iwas doing okay but my team thought otherwise and litteraly shat on me in the chat sooooo I really don't want to suck that bad again. SO i was wondering maybe we can all share tips for beginners or even just over all tips and builds and what not? Idunevenknow.
Post by Pool Boy on Mar 22, 2014 10:47:28 GMT -8
Play with me ill carry u add omgpink (^:
Idga ffffffff
Post by Pool Boy on Mar 22, 2014 11:07:47 GMT -8
Oh and tips for beginners!
General Get runes when your level thirty and get the level thirtuy runes. They cost a lot of ip so save up. use lolking or lolpro as guides give yourself time to learn what all the items do so you can build yourchampbright and counter build Its better to master a few champs than be average at a lot You want to counter build the most fed champ on the enemy team. If they are abilitu power, build magic resist. If they are attack damage, build armor. Play all the champs at least once so you have the knowledge of what they are capable of if you face them. Wards win games and no one will use them until level 25. Practise last hitting creeps. put thought into how you control the lane. If you know you wont be ganked, push minions into their tower. It makes itbhard for them to last hit. If you are behind, hug your turret and try your best to farm near it. Pushing minions into tower is good to do before you recall, and it resets theblane forbthe creeps to be in the middle. If you only last hit creeps it will freeze the lane. Do this near your tower if you fear ganks. Dont push out of position for too long because the other team will notice and youll be glomped and killed. If you are not playing a tank or tanky bruiser, you never want to be the first one running into a fight. Also a revocs quote: proper initiation wins team fights and games.
Also, fyi, the game is hard for anyone to be good at in the beginning bc ppl are too aggressive or passive than their champs are meant to be played. Ex: Tanks trying to take on too many opponents at once without a team close by. Split pushing for too long. Adc too afraid to follow into a fight after a proper initiate.
As you learn the game, and you learn your champ, you naturally develop an intuition of what they are capable of.
Support tips This is from revocs. Poke when they cant. This requires knowijg opponents abilities and ability cooldowns. ward both bushes in bottom lane. Learn how to dodge blitz grabs, unless your alistair or leona, in whih case you will wreeeck.
Jungle (position will appear in later levels) gank if a lane is being pushed into a turret. Counter gank ifyoubthink one of the lanes will get ganked Have an awarenesss of where the enemy jungle is . Farm whereveryou can. Empty lanes and junglencamps. Watch trick2gs vids he makes good commentaries for learnimg how to jung.
Mid tips. Ward.
Post by katya on Mar 22, 2014 17:15:17 GMT -8
People are just jerks. Here's the thing about starting LoL that you've got to understand: when toxic players get banned, it's a free game, so they can just start a new account from lv1. Not saying everyone you play with will be a rager, but a LOT of low level accounts are some real angry mofos with shitty attitudes. Just mute them and play on. You can't really improve without testing the waters in real matches. This is a good general guide on stuff the in-game tutorial doesn't tell you. (As a heads up, mobafire guides are infamously horrible. This one's a rare exception.) Caitlyn and Garen are both free this week, so I'd suggest trying to play them. They're both very easy to learn. (Unfortunately, Caitlyn isn't a cheap purchase. She should be imo since she's literally one of THE easiest champions to learn, but you may as well play her while she's free.) Caitlyn is an ADC played in bot lane. Garen's a tank or bruiser played top lane. If you need to play support, which I don't really recommend for starting out, Leona is also free this week, and she's a tanky engage support. At your level, you probably won't have a jungler, and honestly there probably won't be a support player either. Iirc, it's 2 top, 1 mid, and 2 bottom. While laning, focus on last-hitting minions and not dying. Last-hitting well maximizes you're gold gain, and more gold = more items. Dying obviously makes you miss out on exp, minions, and gives your opponent a nice wad of cash. When you're more comfortable playing, start taking risks to get kills (because you want to be the guy with the nice wad of cash!), but it's hard to tell just how risky a risk is until you're more familiar with the game and the champion you're playing.
Post by Pool Boy on Mar 22, 2014 21:12:37 GMT -8
Oooo oo too bounce off of what katya said regarding the community, well, i always play with ppl i know and trust wont get mad or rage! Ive found them through gangnam style, from friendly chill people ive met in-game, from teambuild (website) and through friends ive been introduced to thanks to the people i ve met via all of these means. League is a multiplayer game, and most of the people i play with regularly hardly ever queue alone, as do i. so: Try to always be social, positive, bright, and humorous, and embrace the raunchy sense of humor that leg players can throw around sometimes.
Post by KOI KOI on Mar 23, 2014 17:50:14 GMT -8
blah blah tl;dr. u want the real meat of the league of the legends? i gotchu bro.
1. grand wizard is not a mage. grand wizard is a fuccing god.
2. chat is a western gun battle. whoever flames 1st is a winner. don't b a victim.
3. mthfker mess w/ u? kill his hole family.
4. evri buff is urs unless i'm in ur game. then it's mine.
5. the key 2 improving is noing where u fk'd up. but dont' let other ppl tell u u fked up. da fuq they think they r tellin u, d legend, wat 2 do?
6. runes n masteries r 4 pussies. unless u 5got them. in which case it's ok 2 lose lane.
7. junglers r trash. their jungler fking camping ur lane like best buy on black friday. ur jungler is hiking mount everest u never c him.
8. ur lane mates r trash. u r better than them in many wayz!!
LOL but to be srs for a moment you don't have to rush into real games. just ignore chat and enjoy yourself. if you get dominated too hard try co-op vs ai at the highest level. if you can steadily do good in those games then you'll be fine.
gloria luciferis in excelsis
Post by THE LEVIATHAN on Mar 23, 2014 17:53:24 GMT -8
I'm sorry for invading this thread, but just want to toss out some questions.
- Is League of Legends a relatively easy to understand game? I'm a person who only understands how to play Pokemon, We Love Katamari, and Ragnarok Online.
- Is it available for Mac? In university all I have with me is my Macbook (graphic design major, sadly). I don't use a wireless mouse but I am a relatively good player with just a mouse pad.
Thanks for anyone helping me out. I see a lot of people playing it and I'm interested in giving it a try.
Post by katya on Mar 23, 2014 18:29:02 GMT -8
I'm sorry for invading this thread, but just want to toss out some questions.
- Is League of Legends a relatively easy to understand game? I'm a person who only understands how to play Pokemon, We Love Katamari, and Ragnarok Online.
- Is it available for Mac? In university all I have with me is my Macbook (graphic design major, sadly). I don't use a wireless mouse but I am a relatively good player with just a mouse pad.
Thanks for anyone helping me out. I see a lot of people playing it and I'm interested in giving it a try. - No, unfortunately not. If you want, you can play co-op vs bots all day, and if that's fun for you, more power to you! In that setting, there's not that much to understand. Later on though, being able to win requires a lot of knowledge about lane match-ups (think of it like having to know every pokemon's natural moveset and how strategize against it) because you need to outplay your opponent, or at least know when it's best to play it safe as opposed to trying to outplay your opponent and failing miserably. It's not that bad, and you'll learn about all the champions as you play more games. Also, the ingame tutorial is basically useless. - Yes, it's available for mac! It's technically only in beta, but it's a pretty damn stable beta. I've never had it crash, and although I've heard about some bugs, the PC version is also infamously buggy anyway. You'll want to get a mouse eventually since the game's click-heavy, but you can play without. You should give it a try since it's free. If you hate it, it's not like you've lost anything except maybe 30min of your time.
Post by Pool Boy on Mar 24, 2014 20:47:29 GMT -8
Nodding w katya, you need a mouse for leg eventually. Your mechanics can only be so good with just a mousepad (keyword eventually. I didntbstart with a mouse either.)
Also, whats thr op's ign?
Post by FURY ROAD on Mar 26, 2014 11:56:15 GMT -8
I played co-op until i reached late 20s in levels, mainly because i was intimidated to play anything else. big mistake.
because ur gonna feed like a mthrfker at first, but that's okay. because if you're playing with people who have played longer, no matter what level, you're going to learn something. don't get mad because they're mad. try to take the rage in some constructive manner (if you can) and use it to keep yourself from making mistakes.
as you learn the game more, i suggest using smartcast. you just fire off spells like a wizard without the extra left click.
anyway, it's hard for me to explain everything here. if you want help in game i'll play with you np (weekend are best pls today/tomorrow sucks major dk)
sn is priffy :3 skype name is toge.pri. i'm on literally 24/7. and im friendly. sort of
OH and about the 'buffs'. I'm not sure how much you understand them but when i started this game i was dumb as fk and i still am.
Red Buff (the lizard) and Blue buff (the big golem) spawn at 1:55. Your jungler will want a 'leash' meaning you just auto attack (right click, this is your basic, free, no mana or health cost attack. More on this later) the big monster about 5 times and go to your lane. if they ping you to be careful, leave right then.
Blue Buff gives you a higher mana regeneration rate, and decreases the cooldowns on your spells. If you're playing mid lane with a mana-reliant champion, this is critical. If your jungler is Revocs, you're going to have to take it up the ass and play without it. If your jungler doesnt give you blue don't be offended, just grab it later on when you don't need their help kekeke. If you're having too many mana problems in lane, buy a blue pot (See: pots, later down).
Red buff allows you to deal true damage and slows your targets. It's weird to explain for me, so just look in game for this one orz. Your ADC will usually be grabbing this late game.
If you kill someone with a buff (a colored circle around them) on them, you get the buff with a refreshed cooldown duration.
If your jungler comes into lane with double buff[/s] (a red and blue circle around them), you absolutely DO NOT want your lane opponent to kill them. To prevent this from happening, WATCH THE MAP. Every time you last hit a minion, look at your mini map. If your jungler pings your lane, be very alert and make sure to go in with them!
other jungle camps are the wolves, wraiths, wight, dragon, and baron nashor. If your lane is pushed up but you still have full health, go and do your wraith camp (you usually want to do this AFTER level 6. if you do it before, they'll chunk your health and you'll come back into lane extremely weak). You could do wolves instead of wraiths, etc.
The dragon camp spawns every 6 MINUTES after being taken down. At lower levels I see literally NOBODY taking dragon. It grants a lot of gold and experience for your team, which will put you ahead. If you do decide to dragon, be smart about it! 1. Ward around it. 2. Make sure their jungler has either just gone back, or is in top lane. 3. Dragon is usually a good choice after you've just double killed their bot lane with help from a jungler's gank. Just make sure to have vision of the enemy team's jungler, so you don't get outsmited.
Baron nashor is a nasty motherfucker. I don't remember his initial spawn time off the top of my head, but doing baron is a very risky, calculation-necessary objective. For example: Their whole team is missing. You don't have any of the map warded. Are you doing to do baron? NO Their fed adc and support art pushing bot lane, while their jungler has just been killed after getting caught out in your jungle. Do you baron? YES!!!! You just 'aced' their team, and all of your lanes are pushing toward their base. Do you baron? YES*!
* If your base is being pushed in with their minions, do not do baron with 5 people. Protecting your inhibitor is a top priority. If you've been in the game for what feels like hours, and they have one inhibitor down, END THE GAME. Their whole team is dead for at least 50 seconds, and you should kill the two towers in front of the nexus, and then kill the nexus. NOTE-- if they are 10 seconds from being up, you might not have time to end the game.
Auto attacking. AKA 'basic attacks'. In the top and mid lane, you will/should use autoattacks to kill, or 'last hit' minions. this is easiest to do when you know how much damage you do.
Last hitting takes practice, and nobody can do it perfectly. DO NOT USE YOUR SPELLS TO FARM MINIONS. You will run out of mana, and your lane oppenent will come back to lane and kill you, and you won't be able to defend yourself. You know why? because you used all of your mana! same goes for if their jungler comes in for a gank and you're out of mana.
If you are playing a manaless champ (garen, katarina), you spam all you want. Just watch your cooldowns and make sure you always have an escape.
To last hit, you're basically just killing the minion when it has a very small sliver of health left. There are plenty of videos to help you do this. Wait until the minion is literally RIGHT about to die before you hit it.
Make it your goal to have 100 CS 'creep score' (how many minions you have killed) at 10 minutes. It's not easy and nearly impossible, but make it a goal. Don't waste all of your abilities just to harass your lane opponent. Don't ignore cs just do harass your lane opponent!
Note-- if you are playing support in the bottom lane, do not take cs if your adc is in lane with you. this makes them very angry and is generally a bad idea.
You always want to have at least one pot in your inventory. Red pots give health, blue pots give mana. Always use red pots. I never buy blue pots, but you might need them in the lower levels.
To use a pot, place it in the first slot of your items. Press 2 when your health is at half or lower. Profit.
Top: Usually start dorans shield with one red pot, and a yellow trinket. (can vary) Mid: Dorans ring, 2 pots, yellow trinket. Jungle: Hunter's machete, 5 red pots, yellow trinket. ADC: doran's blade, red pot, yellow trinket. Support*: Doran's shield, 1 red pot, yellow trinket.
*: Doran's shield is personal preference. You can start Ancient coin, targons (only for melee champions), or that little gay blue thing that gives ap (usually bought for supports like annie, karma, soraka, etc.). If you start doran's shield like me, always remember to build your gold-gen item right after. After that you're going to want a ruby crystal into a sightstone.
AFTER YOU BUY YOUR SIGHTSTONE, SELL YOUR YELLOW TRINKET FOR A RED TRINKET. You can only have 3 wards down at once, so having 4 is useless. The red trinket will let you kill the enemy's wards.
Don't rush to upgrade your sighstone. It's not worth it.
I say ADC specifically because I see this mistake a lot when I play with my lower-leveled group. If your enemy has been killing you constantly and comes back into lane with a BF SWORD, DON'T YOU DARE EVEN THINK OF FIGHTING THEM without a gank. The BF sword gives insane damage, and if all you have is a doran's blade and pots, you will lose every time, and put them farther ahead.
trust me, i learned this the hard way okay
The typical ADC build is something like:
Dorans blade > vamp scepter* > BF Sword** > Bloodthirster*** > zeal****
*Vamp scepter gives lifesteal. that means when you hit an enemy unit, you get health back. so delicious.
** If you have 1550 gold and can get BF sword, get that first.
*** If you're behind (5+ deaths, no cs) get Infinity edge instead of Bloodthirster.
**** Zeal can build into Trinity force (Ezreal, Quinn, Lucian, Corki, etc), Stattik Shiv (If you're behind or want more cs; Ashe, Caitlin, etc.), and Phantom dancer (most common, get this if you dont know what else to get). It's your go-to item right after you finish an item with bf sword.
Build tanky. Giants belt > sunfire/randuins. then you can get hydra. don't get frozen mallet or the axe that builds from brutalizer. i swear to god. and don't you dare build blade of the ruined king first. spare me.
don't ever build a fucking hydra on quinn you little shits.
I've been informed this is a lot too much information for pre-30. I apologize.
Post by Pool Boy on Mar 27, 2014 7:37:15 GMT -8
Lol i learned something
Post by ALCATRAZ on Mar 29, 2014 8:06:00 GMT -8
So I want to thank everyone for all their advice and comments and because of you all it took me a week to reach level 12 on both of my accounts (had to make a second cuz well you know those times when your internet shits on you and they ban you. YAHHH) lol but thanks guys so mich for all the help. I am not the best but cuz of your help I am doing so much better. Now another topic of discussion.
Right now I am running on the Free To Play champs but since they change every week its really hard to be good when you start learning a new champ and by the end of the week you get good and then you have to start all over again yah know what I mean. So right now I'm looking to purchase and main 2-3 different champs and so far I am thinking
1. Jarvan IV 2. Miss fortune 3. Talon 4. Kayle
I usually play top and mid lane but I was also thinking of jungling with Kayle. I for some odd reason cannot play bot for my life even though its basically the same thing as top. Sooooo anysuggestions on my first few mains?
Post by SIFR on Mar 29, 2014 13:13:24 GMT -8
I suggest looking into Trundle as well if you like tanky tops. He's good for jungle as well and due to his passives has great sustain. Trundle has always sort of been one of those underrated champs.
Post by FURY ROAD on Mar 29, 2014 14:36:39 GMT -8
I usually play top and mid lane but I was also thinking of jungling with Kayle. I for some odd reason cannot play bot for my life even though its basically the same thing as top. Sooooo anysuggestions on my first few mains? That, my friend, is where you are wrong! When one goes top, they usually have the mindset of becoming a tanky bruiser! Since you probably have 2 top at your levels, I highly doubt one of them is going to submit to a 'top support'! Bot, on the other hand, is fully of squishy pieces of shit that u hook for days hh4h4h4hh4h4h4h4hh4h4- Err. Bot has an ADC and a 'support'-- high damage dealing, squishy, champions. Easy to kill early. etc. etc. and you're welcome! I would not play Kayle in the jungle, mainly because you don't have runes or masteries to keep you alive. You'd be killed very easily for a long time. However, I have seen it done, so follow ur dreams. I'd recommend playing Annie. She doesn't have any skillshots, and can become veryveryveryvery strong. Personal preference tho.
Post by ICE gang Godlex on Mar 29, 2014 14:40:35 GMT -8
i'd advise against jungling before you hit level 21. without runes and masteries, jungling can be a bit difficult if you don't play champions that are specifically made for it. and, even if you do manage to jungle proficiently, you can still be hurting your team if the enemy decides to do put two people in top against your one.
j4 is a classic and a very good jungler once you hit 30.
kayle does a lot of dmg but she's pretty squishy. still, she's only 450 so go crayz buddy.
i'd wait to to try the other champions during a free week before you commit to buying them. some of them may play differently as you level up due to the change in how the game is played. those three are usually considered weaker or niche picks in comparison to their counterparts.
for now, he's a list of champions that are easy to play and their respective roles. i also tried to only include cheap champions so you can pick up a few of them to get a grasp of what you like.
top: ryze garen
jungle: warwick amumu
mid: kayle ryze annie
bot: annie sivir tristiana
if you like riot certified league of legends pages on fb, twitter, and their youtube page, you'll get trist, garen, and alistar for free with a free skin to boot!